Monday, August 8, 2011

Fuggit... away with ye, anonymity!

Hey look, another rhyme in my title.

Since I've published this blog on Facebook, I've decided to do away with the 'initials and non-specific indicators' thing I had going on. You all already know it's me, and you already know how much I talk about my family, so... Hell with it.

In other news, I'm very excited to play D2 tonight. Didn't play last night because of early bed, for something that ended up not even happening thanks to... unfortunate circumstances. I feel bad, though, because I'm sure Gary and Magus probably view me to be as unreliable as I view the people the circumstances are based around. What? Gaming? YES! ... Wait, no, sorry. *sadface* But tonight... Aah tonight, yes, I will be gaming, and I will be having fun, and damnit I will be staying up late and sleeping in tomorrow. James can take care of Joseph. Moooooohahahaha. (Hey look, I'm a cow.)

Sarah's staying with her granny for a little while longer. I thought she was coming back today, but it turns out only her friend is coming back, and she's staying for a few more days. As long as she's back by... Oh, I don't know, by Friday, it should be fine. I still need to get her school ID picture and her gym uniform and planner. Oh the joys of middle school.

I... I actually don't really have anything more to say here that wouldn't be flat-out venting and bitching, so I'll let this go at short and simple.

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