Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Gaming, you say? Never!

Whelp, there's one week left until my hubby switches schedules at work. One week of "normal" Saturday game. One week until the schedule potentially goes back to hell, and there's no more D&D *again*. *le sighs*

Our friends have been.... unreliable, at best, about gaming. We're supposed to game every week, Saturday evenings, on a steady campaign that was fucking AWESOME, but then they randomly stopped showing up, so we abandoned the campaign. They vanished for an entire month, and suddenly want to game again, right before hubby's shift change. I guess we'll see whether or not this one works out.

It'd probably be easier if we could go to their house, but because our schedule is *vastly* different than theirs, our son is in bed 3-4 hours before theirs, which means he needs his crib. Oh the joys of having a baby, right? Anyway, because we can't head over to their place, it makes for an interesting time trying to get them here on even a semi-regular basis... and *early* enough.

That's been a problem is starting early enough. I mean, I kind of have a life outside of game, I can't stay up until 2-3am gaming anymore. I have to get up with a baby at 6:30am, I have errands to run, things to do during the day. I can't just wait around for something to happen.

In other news, hubby's change in schedule means no more Tuesday night gaming with M and G. M's going to be hanging out at G's most Tuesdays now, and y'know, good for him, but in the meantime, my schedule's completely fucked. I don't take to change well sometimes. Haah. I've asked M if maybe once in awhile we can cancel movie night for gaming with G, and he says it's cool. Awesome. That's a bit in the future though.

In the meantime, I'll keep trying to get better (being sick SUCKS BALLS), and keep trying to get the baby better (cause he's sick too), and hope nobody else in the house gets sick. O_O

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