Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Purple Death

Let me preface this by saying: I HATE BARNEY. But, it's on Sprout, and it's only a half hour, and with my son watching Sprout and being occupied while I'm laid out, I don't feel like changing the channel. That would wreak a world of havoc I'd rather not have right now.

With that said... this morning has already been an active morning, and it's only 8:50. J woke up before 7, and was being really pissed off that he wasn't out of his crib immediately, so I was forced to drag my sorry ass out of bed and hop on one foot over to retrieve him. It was nearly an exercise in futility - I couldn't get close enough to the crib because the bedroom's messy, so my arms were super extended, and... man, my arms just aren't that strong. My upper body strength sucks! (Although, by the time I'm done with the crutches, I'll be able to bench press a damn bus. I'm not exactly a small girl.)

So, J gets up, gets set on the floor, and immediately begins his daily routine of terrorization. First thing he does is go straight to his sister's room, discover her door's open, and start messing with her art supplies. *RAWR!!!* So I'm yelling at him to put it down and come out, because I can't *get* to her room on crutches, and it wakes up L (who, conviently enough, sleeps on the couch). She comes to retrieve him and I go find S and yell at her how pissed off I am, and that I can't stop J from destroying her stuff so she needs to be more careful! Fortunately she understood and we still started out the morning fairly well.

S is ready for school and heads off (looking cuuuuuuuute, she looks so much older than her age sometimes), I clean last night's barbeque sauce out of the high chair and stick J in it, L gets his food, we put on Sprout, and aaaaaaaahhhhhhh, peace and quiet. Coffee, cigarettes, the internet, and a happy baby.

Life is simple, life is good.

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