Monday, May 2, 2011

From the Day You Were Born...

Everyday life. Me, my family, my friends (what few there are right now).

Y'know, there's so damn much I could say here. Hubby and I have 2 kids - adolescent daughter and toddler son, and 2 housemates - younger woman and same-age man. Holy shit, what a life, right?

Things get complicated with this many people in a 900 square foot, 2 bedroom 1 bathroom house. Like, who gets a shower first? Who gets to go to the bathroom first? Where will everyone sit? Sleep? (Fortunately the male housemate lives in his own space in the basement, so seating and sleeping aren't so much an issue for him.) We're also short a computer - one of the laptops fizzled out - so now there's the question of PC time as well. There's no privacy, for ANYONE except adolescent daughter (she's the only one with her own bedroom without people tromping through it at all hours).

It's not as bad as it sounds, really. It can get interesting, but it's kind of nice being surrounded by so many people. Of course, it's also irritating as all hell, but kind of nice nonetheless. Hubby works full time, man-housemate works full time and woman-housemate helps me take care of the kids (for the sake of easier typing, we'll call them M and L respectively).

We're all gamers, even adolescent daughter (we'll call her S). Toddler son (J) is getting there - he likes to sit on daddy's lap while he's gaming on the PC and hold onto the spare Xbox360 controller and "game" with him. It's pretty cute, I even got a video of it... at the time, I think daddy was playing a game that actually required a controller, even, so it worked out well. I mostly play D&D, but I thoroughly enjoy WoW and some console games. Not much for PC games, more of a PC reader. Hubby plays PC, console and tabletop all, M plays FUCKING EVERYTHING, and L is much more selective (pretty sure she only plays FFX, SIMS and Katamari, haha).

Hum. I guess I don't have anything of any real substance to say. I never do, really. Guess I'll write when I have something, but there's the basic rundown of my life. Busy house full of mirth and gaming.

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