Thursday, May 12, 2011

Minecraft is balls.

I've been playing Minecraft for a week now, and it's one of the few PC games that I've been well and truly enjoying. I'm learning *very* quickly (I've already learned more about it than the person who introduced me to it, muahahaha), and it's fun to see all the terrain and figure what I could come up with to incorporate the natural landscape into homes and halls and etc. Unfortunately, in all this exploration, I hopelessly lost my spawn point, and can't just die and respawn because I'd lose *everything* I've been collecting... including sugar cane, which is really difficult to find. But Minecraft... STUPID minecraft... has been crashing on me today. A lot. I finally had to give it up for the morning and do other things.

My daughter has been giving us hell the past couple of days. Not sure what is going on with her, but she's been a royal brat; screaming at L, screaming at her dad, trying to "run away" at 5am, etc. It's gotten to the point where I'm tempted to lock her in her room for awhile. I think she genuinely felt bad about screaming at her dad though, which was yesterday morning, because yesterday evening while I was out with M, S took it upon herself to clean the rest of the house after she was done doing dishes. She took care of the living room floor, moved all the laundry in the hallway out of the way so I could get my gimpy ass through on crutches, and started working on her dad's corner. Had it mostly cleaned out by the time we got back from dinner.

L's been really helpful lately too. She's been doing nearly everything, and it sucks that I have to let her because I can't. Every time I try to do things for myself (or the kids), I end up hurting myself more. Hubby's no real help because he's either sleeping, working, or on his PC and generally ignoring the rest of us. It's doubly difficult for me now because I re-injured my foot this morning when I tripped and slammed it down on something hard, right at the injured point. Now I kind of have to start all over.

My youngest has been entertaining, and a pain in the butt, simultaneously. How does that even happen? He does things he's not supposed to do, he KNOWS he's not supposed to do them, and I find it hilarious sometimes. It's really hard not to laugh; sometimes I *do* laugh, then I get a stern look from someone-who's-not-me because laughing at him is only reenforcement of the thing he's not supposed to be doing in the first place. 'Sok though, really, because he's awfully good, regardless of the times he spends blatantly ignoring or disobeying us.

Hum. I think I'm done for now. I have some more personal stuff I want to write about, but I'm not sure if I want to write about it publically. O_O

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Sprout has some of the weirdest people I've ever seen. God, kid shows are getting weird. (Then again... anybody remember You Can't Do That On Television? Hahahaha.)

So in avoiding putting pressure on my foot, I've managed to pull my left groin. It sucks, and hurts, but I guess it hurts less than walking on my foot, so I'd rather deal with this pain.

I think I'm too tired to blog right now, actually. More after my bloodstream is inundated with caffeine.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


So I'm pretty sure L is insane. LOL. My darling housemate apparently feels it necessary to document a play-by-play of every hour in this (insanely busy) house. What is this I don't even...

Had to get together a bunch of pictures for my mom to take to my grandpa, who is currently in the hospital with pneumonia, and we're not sure how it's going to turn out; we wanted him to see pictures of the kids before anything happened to him. So, a frenzy of uploading and choosing and transferring to a flash drive.

My foot still fucking HURTS. Can't put any pressure on it, still, but at least it's reduced to a dull ache while it's up. Damn tendons, why do they even exist?! Our bodies should be held together by some magical, impenatrable force. O_O

Uh... I'm boring. Bye.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Purple Death

Let me preface this by saying: I HATE BARNEY. But, it's on Sprout, and it's only a half hour, and with my son watching Sprout and being occupied while I'm laid out, I don't feel like changing the channel. That would wreak a world of havoc I'd rather not have right now.

With that said... this morning has already been an active morning, and it's only 8:50. J woke up before 7, and was being really pissed off that he wasn't out of his crib immediately, so I was forced to drag my sorry ass out of bed and hop on one foot over to retrieve him. It was nearly an exercise in futility - I couldn't get close enough to the crib because the bedroom's messy, so my arms were super extended, and... man, my arms just aren't that strong. My upper body strength sucks! (Although, by the time I'm done with the crutches, I'll be able to bench press a damn bus. I'm not exactly a small girl.)

So, J gets up, gets set on the floor, and immediately begins his daily routine of terrorization. First thing he does is go straight to his sister's room, discover her door's open, and start messing with her art supplies. *RAWR!!!* So I'm yelling at him to put it down and come out, because I can't *get* to her room on crutches, and it wakes up L (who, conviently enough, sleeps on the couch). She comes to retrieve him and I go find S and yell at her how pissed off I am, and that I can't stop J from destroying her stuff so she needs to be more careful! Fortunately she understood and we still started out the morning fairly well.

S is ready for school and heads off (looking cuuuuuuuute, she looks so much older than her age sometimes), I clean last night's barbeque sauce out of the high chair and stick J in it, L gets his food, we put on Sprout, and aaaaaaaahhhhhhh, peace and quiet. Coffee, cigarettes, the internet, and a happy baby.

Life is simple, life is good.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Gamers Gaming

Gyoza, sushi and gaming. There couldn't possibly be a better 'relaxation with friends' night than that. Hung out with G, a friend of myself and M, for awhile before M got up; we went out to get the pre-game food, then M got up and we ate and played Sengoku Basara 3 for awhile. Well, it was mostly M and G playing because I just couldn't sit with my foot down long enough to play much, but I still had a blast.

I fucking love that game and I fucking love my friends. G has officially declared me a friend, which is awesome because I'm seriously lacking in the friend department lately. I just don't really have much in common with most of my old friends anymore, so we've drifted apart quite a bit. It's good to have more people around again.

L watched J while I went out with G, and I guess he was pretty good for the most part, but S was horrendous... I'll have to have a little chat with that child about showing the proper respect for authority figures. *shakes head* Oh the joys of adolescence!

Well... I've nothing more of substance to say, I s'pose. Just a good night. :)

The Gimp (part 2)

She calls me Captain Gimpy. It's not even my adolescent daughter calling me this... it's my housemate-caretaker L. WHAT THE FUCKETY FUCK?! Captain Gimpy? Really? LOL. Oh god, she's too much!

The Gimp

So today.... today I'm gimpy. A lame horse. I should be put down with a bullet to the brainpan.

To explain - yesterday, I tripped over a curb I didn't know was there. I went flying into a wall, but while I was trying to right myself (or at least not take a header into the concrete) too much strain was put on my left foot and I tore my plantar fascia. For those that don't know, it's the tendon that makes the arch of the foot - connected to the heel and ball respectively. I've been having problems with plantar fasciitis for awhile already, so it was already strained to begin with. Now it's torn. Not completely separated, thank goodness, but it's torn enough that I can't bear any weight on that foot, save a minute amount on the ball of my foot.

Thus, I am on crutches... crutches that M bought for me out of the extreme kindness of his huge, mushy heart of doom. I fucking love him.

L, not having a job at the moment, will be taking care of the kids and myself pretty much full time until I'm able to walk again. I fucking love her too.

Hubby will still be going to work full time since L is here to help out with J and S, which is good because we really can't afford for him to take the time off.

I hate being a useless lump. I despise not being able to do things for myself; not being able to take care of my kids myself is even worse. This is probably one of the most awful feelings in the world. I can't even get my own damn coffee, L had to make it for me. O_O

I hope this heals soon. Standard healing time is around a month, I think, and then begins the "physical therapy". Since I don't have insurance, I'll be doing it myself.

Aaaaaand, I just got news that my grandpa's in the hospital with pneumonia, so I'm done with this post.

Monday, May 2, 2011

From the Day You Were Born...

Everyday life. Me, my family, my friends (what few there are right now).

Y'know, there's so damn much I could say here. Hubby and I have 2 kids - adolescent daughter and toddler son, and 2 housemates - younger woman and same-age man. Holy shit, what a life, right?

Things get complicated with this many people in a 900 square foot, 2 bedroom 1 bathroom house. Like, who gets a shower first? Who gets to go to the bathroom first? Where will everyone sit? Sleep? (Fortunately the male housemate lives in his own space in the basement, so seating and sleeping aren't so much an issue for him.) We're also short a computer - one of the laptops fizzled out - so now there's the question of PC time as well. There's no privacy, for ANYONE except adolescent daughter (she's the only one with her own bedroom without people tromping through it at all hours).

It's not as bad as it sounds, really. It can get interesting, but it's kind of nice being surrounded by so many people. Of course, it's also irritating as all hell, but kind of nice nonetheless. Hubby works full time, man-housemate works full time and woman-housemate helps me take care of the kids (for the sake of easier typing, we'll call them M and L respectively).

We're all gamers, even adolescent daughter (we'll call her S). Toddler son (J) is getting there - he likes to sit on daddy's lap while he's gaming on the PC and hold onto the spare Xbox360 controller and "game" with him. It's pretty cute, I even got a video of it... at the time, I think daddy was playing a game that actually required a controller, even, so it worked out well. I mostly play D&D, but I thoroughly enjoy WoW and some console games. Not much for PC games, more of a PC reader. Hubby plays PC, console and tabletop all, M plays FUCKING EVERYTHING, and L is much more selective (pretty sure she only plays FFX, SIMS and Katamari, haha).

Hum. I guess I don't have anything of any real substance to say. I never do, really. Guess I'll write when I have something, but there's the basic rundown of my life. Busy house full of mirth and gaming.