Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I have no idea....

God, what am I doing? I have no idea what's going on these days. I've been so damn busy my days are sort of running together. Today is my daughter's 13th birthday and I'm very, very scared because ... well, because she's a TEENAGER now! *le gasp* I've managed to keep her alive into her teenage years. Well, now that the easy part's over... hahaha.

We're about to get a new couch. This one is completely broken down, to the point where I can barely even climb out of it when I want to stand up. Tuesday, woo!

Got back in touch with an old friend, went to see her last night. Felt good. I missed you, babe! Sorry I've been so busy!

There are a ton of games coming out and a ton more I've just discovered are coming out that I want to play, but can't afford *any* of them. Worst - with a 1 year WoW subscription you get DIII free, but I can't afford the stupid monthly charge (which is why I haven't played in... 8 months or so). Rawr!

Um... my son's almost 2, and sometimes he acts like a 4 year old and others he acts his age. It's a little disconcerting to have a baby who I have to keep reminding myself is only a year old so I shouldn't expect so much of him. Sarah was the same way, though. Geez it's hard having smarty-pants kids. o_O

James has had several days off (yay for PTO) and has been working on the kitchen for me. He's done a BUNCH of dishes and cleaned off the stove, which was CAKED with stuff from I don't even know how long ago, and is going to clean the counters. I still have to do the floor though, haha. Thanks James! *MuAh*

So I just saw this thing on cultural diversity and stereotyping for Halloween and I'm just blown away by the ignorance of some people. The whole debate is whether or not some costumes are racially insensitive (geisha, arab terrorist, etc) and my opinion is this - IF IT'S NOT YOU THEN WHY DO YOU CARE WHAT STEREOTYPE SOMEONE IS MAKING FUN OF FOR HALLOWEEN? I mean, does anyone REALLY think that anyone who dresses as a stereotype for halloween honestly believes that it's the way ALL people of that particular culture are? No. Fuck off. Grow some balls. A spine. SOMETHING, but quit getting all fucking crybaby because you're Japanese and someone's a samurai, or ninja, or geisha, or what-fucking-ever.

The end!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


So yesterday was my birthday, and now I'm 32. Not a big deal, 32's not exactly a far cry from 31. It was a mostly good day - A round of "happy birthday" from people. James let me sleep in for... as long as I wanted, actually. I didn't get up until I had to pee. Sarah came home, and I was very excited to see her (and she even brought me some very comfy pjs for my birthday, woohoo). Joseph was really well behaved. Lori cooked a most excellent dinner. James... well, James decided he had to rearrange the living room, right now. It was odd, sitting here on the couch while he's doing a bunch of work, cleaning stuff, moving stuff, etc, so he could get his desk where he wanted it. I thought he was going to die. Haha. (More is going to be rearranged this evening, as it's not done yet. Whee.) There were a couple of snags in the evening unfortunately, but nothing I didn't get over pretty quick. In this house, you kind of have to be resilient in order to survive.

I did, however, miss out on gaming yet again. This is getting irritating. I really need to get my shit together. Tonight it's not going to happen due to more rearranging, plus I need to start plotting my Minecraft build on graph paper after Joseph goes to bed. I haven't even been on the server in days. It's a little depressing, actually. BUT, on the bright(?) side, James no longer needs the PS2 slim (it has a monitor even, woohoo), so I can keep it on the table next to me and use it for KH and DMC and maybe some FF while the TV is occupied with other things. (Assuming I can read the screen, anyway, as it's really tiny.) I'd even be able to play while Joseph is awake, since I'd be able to pause and put it down pretty much whenever. 'Course, I wouldn't actually get much done that way, but at least it would be entertainment other than gouging my eyeballs out with a spork Sprout TV.

Sorry, I'm boring today.

EDIT: Oh yeah, forgot to mention - it's fucking 75 degrees today. Tomorrow it's going to be 85, yesterday it was 85, but today it's holy shit windows are open and no air conditioner I think I'm going to die in the fresh air day. Awesome.