To ring in the new year, Ohio had a 4.0 earthquake, Japan had a 6.8 earthquake, thousands more blackbirds died in Arkansas, and there was a huge fireball visible across 3 states (not in that order, of course). 2012 is the end, man, so everybody get down, put your head between your knees, and kiss your ass goodbye!
Or not.
The new year here hasn't been nearly as eventful. James worked, Magus worked, Joseph slept, Lori passed out and was sad she didn't get any champagne, and I decided to buy TOR. Well no, that's a lie. I decided I liked it enough that I might buy it were the option available to me, and James informed me I don't have a choice - he's using his Christmas money to buy me TOR AND Skyward Sword. It's very sweet, and very rare that he uses his money on anyone but himself, so I'm feeling a bit honoured right now. :) Of course, this does mean that I'll have to get a subscription which costs the same as WoW, and I have no hope of ever playing WoW again, but... Oh well, sacrifices, you know?
A little about my TOR 'toon, because I can: Her name is Shi'luun and she's a Sith Sorceror, level... almost 11. Haha. She's going to be Lightning spec'd, mostly because I'm not interested in heals and I'd have no idea how to play the Madness spec. Plus, DPS FTW! And my companion makes it pretty easy for me to solo group areas and quests. Of course, I'm still only level 10 so it's hard to say whether or not that will continue to be true, but groups are pretty easy to find either way. There's always someone lfg, and it's great that the people who play TOR are, so far, very nice. General chat isn't full of bullshit, spam, and insults. Woo!
I'm going to be playing with James, so uh, my current toon will soon be no more since it's currently on HIS account, BUT, the new toon will probably only have a *slightly* different name; the rest will be pretty much exactly the same. Wish I hadn't used my good name on James' account! LOL.
Ok, this post was going to be longer, but alas, I have to go to the market. I am in dire need of diapers and apples.