Bet you sang that in your head, didn't you?
This has been a hell of a year. To hell with a recap though - I don't believe in that shit; even if I did, I certainly can't remember enough for an accurate recap of 2011. Suffice it to say, the year was kind of crap and hopefully next year will be a bit better.
James has applied for a promotion with ADT, and is interviewing on Monday. I'm not sure if the position is actually management or just the highest level of customer service, but either way it's an improvement over his current position (higher pay too, woo, hope he gets it!).
Sarah's been doing everything available for her school's Theatre program. 2 plays (they're currently rehearsing the 2nd, actually), drama club, Performance class, and she's applying for the Thespian society. I think I know what she's going to be when she grows up! LOL
Joseph just turned 2, and since his birthday his vocabulary has absolutely exploded. I was worried about him, he wasn't really saying much, but now he repeats just about everything. Which.... may be a bad thing, come to think of it. O_O We'll have to keep an eye on our language for awhile!
We had to ask Lori to move out. It's not fair, and I feel bad having to do it, but what it came down to was considering a combination of our finances and Sarah's emotional state (she's been having some problems lately), and we decided it was best if she left. We're giving her a month so she has some time to try to make arrangements, and I hope that she can. I feel bad enough as it is.
So, James convinced me to try SW:TOR. I played a bit on his account this morning, and will probably play more while Joseph is napping, just so I can get off of Korriban and really get the story going (I'm playing a Sith Inquisitor) and will decide how well I like it once I'm off-world. So far it's not too bad, honestly, and while it will never EVER replace WoW for me, I'm giving it a fair shot. :) The only problem I foresee is that should I actually end up enjoying it, there's no way we can afford for both James and myself to pay the monthly fee. Which is why I stopped playing WoW in the first place.
In other news, I want WoW back. Good lord do I want it back. I miss it so much, and with all the new content I want it even more. *sob*
Magus has been up here playing Skyward Sword a couple nights a week for the past couple weeks. It looks... just... outstanding. The controller is a little buggy sometimes and has to be re-centered often, and it doesn't always move the way you want it to, but all in all the concept is so sound that the minor bugs can be overlooked. The puzzles are great, true Zelda form, and the story so far, while... minor, relatively speaking, is on par with the other games. Bravo, Nintendo, you've done it again!
Uhh. I don't really have anything else to say. Lame update, I know; lot of words but nothing of substance was said. There shall be more in the future, never fear! The blog shall rise again! Or... something. Whatever.
Hope everyone had good (decent?) holidays. 2012 is just around the corner! EVERYBODY PANIC!