It's been awhile since I've blogged, I know. This one is going to be short, though. Just a few things I'm excited about, and a mini-rant.
First, James really, REALLY wants me to play TOR. It's still in the beta and should be released by Christmas (even though there's no official release date yet, bah) and, having been invited to the beta and getting to play some, thinks I'll really enjoy it. I don't know any more than that, cause y'know, it's BETA and you'll get in trouble for sharing, but the problem is, I don't want to play. I don't want to experiment, I don't want to make a 'toon and try it, I'm just simply not interested. It's sci-fi first off, and sci-fi isn't a genre I'm particularly interested in, save a few select instances. Second, there are two other MMOs I'm waiting for, and really excited to play, and I don't want to fill up ALL of my free time with MMOs and nothing else. I just wish he would leave me alone about it. He says, "I really want to play this with you! Toward the end of WoW that's the only reason I didn't find it a chore!" I say, "Well James, if you really want to play with me, get GW2 or D3 when they come out! Because I'M NOT INTERESTED IN TOR!" He says, *cry*. Hehe.
So, my excitement. There are several games coming out that I can't wait to get my grubby little pseudo-gamer fingers on. Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is at the top of the list. If I can get together the money I'm ordering the bundle so I won't have to buy the Wiimote Plus (which I think is $40 or $50 on its own). It's beautifully rendered and with close to 100 hours of gameplay and lots of cutscenes, I think it's definitely worth the release price.
Another game I'm really looking forward to is Guild Wars 2. I only know a limited amount of information about it, but from what I know and have seen, it's right up my alley, especially since I've stopped playing WoW. One of the things that makes GW2 great is that events are interactive and available to anyone in the region (which will be especially awesome if events repeat so you don't constantly miss things).
And the third of the ones I really just can't wait for is Diablo 3. I... do I really need to explain why? It's fucking Diablo. A Diablo MMO. Really.
There are a couple others coming out I'm looking forward to, but those three are the main. Cause... MMO, BABY!